Friday, March 13, 2009

Look who's talking!

A strange snippet into my daily routine. I've formed the habit of talking and singing to my seedlings each morning and at night, when bringing my son to bed, we say goodnight to kale, to lettuce, to mr spud and mr onion and so on. 
This is perhaps the first sign of allotment madness, but it turns out that there my be some truth to the belief that talking to plants and veg helps them grow. 
Plants need carbon dioxide to grow and when you talk to a plant, you breath on it, giving it that extra infusion. However, for this to have any real effect on your favourite veg, you have to spend several hours a day conversing with it in close quarters. 
And did you know the idea of talking to plants was first introduced in 1848 when a German professor Dr Fechner suggested the idea. He believed plants were capable of emotions, just like humans and you could promote healthy growing by showering your plants with attention and talk. Just don't let the neighbours catch you!!

Pictured Carrott Jnr showering the seedlings with attention and talk to help them grow